Why to choose our office?
- we specialize on prevention of teeth and gum diseases
- the most of work on you teeth is performed using operating microscope
- the procedure is continuously photographed by camera and the pictures are shown at the end
Offered services
- preventive checkups with treatment plan assessment
- individual hygiene training
- reconstruction of partially damaged teeth by caries or trauma
- reconstruction of severely damaged teeth with inflammatory reaction in surrounding bone
- replacement of lost teeth by
- bridgework
- autotransplantation of unutilized teeth (e.g. third molars) into place of interest
- removable partial dentures
- complete dentures
- extraction of irrecoverably damaged teeth
- tooth whitening
Cooperation with external dentists
- preendodontic buildups
- (re)endodntic treatment (root canal therapy)
- therapy of teeth wit extreme root canal anatomy
- removal of root canal blockade (broken file, cast core)
- covering of root perforations with Mineral Trioxide Agregate (MTA)
- saving of badly damaged teeth
- consultation about Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scans